Spider-Man: Lost Cause FULL MOVIE (Fan Film)
Director: Joey Lever
Writer: Joey Lever
Film Composer: Jascha Heidicke
Producer: Joey Lever
Budget: $500/600
Cinematographer: Andrew Miles, Jordan Schofield and Tom Wallbanks
SFX: Heath Gleason
Follow the movie!!
► Facebook! www.facebook.com/spidermanlc
► Site: http://www.joeylever.com/-spider-man-...
► Co-Pro! http://www.youtube.com/Eagle2Studios
► Composer! https://www.youtube.com/user/parademics
Follow me!!!
► Site! http://joeylever.com
► Facebook! http://tinyurl.com/6aq7v3k
► Google+
► Twitter! http://twitter.com/joeylever
► Games! http://www.youtube.com/user/LeverGames
(A Spider-Man Fanfilm based on the character by Steve Ditko and Stan Lee.)
Check out the page: http://www.facebook.com/spidermanlc
SPIDER-MAN is a Marvel Property and we claim no rights over the character. We do not intend to make any money directly from this fan film. We are merely creating this project out of love for the character. DIGITILHEART does however own the rights for the short film itself
For those of you that have been with us since the beginning, we thank you. We're also thankful for the new group of people who will get to see the film with everyone else tomorrow.
If you're trying to make a film as well, don't give up. Don't lose hope. It will get very difficult, and may sometimes seem impossible. But every great dream or goal in life does.