Red Queen "Harley Quinn" Fan Film Episode One Awakening

Created by Sheridyn Fisher "Red Queen - a Harley Quinn Fan Film" episode one is a short film by Mechanical Minds Studios, written by Sheridyn Fisher, Kerryn Williams and Dan Maher. Directed by Salim.

Special thanks to the Entire Cast and Crew.

Complete info:!pre-...

Thank you to everyone involved in making this Harley Quinn Fan Film happen. I had dreamed of making this short back in High School, and to be able to bring one of my favorite characters to life in a fan film.


Harley Quinn: Sheridyn Fisher
Doctor: Kasia Stelmach
Nolan: Beau Baker
Guilt: Kyle Rowling

Stunts thanks to Kyle Rowling.

Based on the character of Harley Quinn from DC comics.
Set inside the mind of Harley Quinn as her guilt forces a confrontation with her original persona.
Made just for fun, completely not for profit.

You can see the 4k Verison here -


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