Wonder Woman Fan Film Trailer
Actress / performer Nina Bergman & director Jesse V. Johnson wanted to shoot a fan trailer for their favorite super hero. If only this was a real movie, we'd watch it RIGHT NOW.
Facebook fanpage - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wonder-...
Director: Jesse V. Johnson http://www.facebook.com/jesse.johnson...
WW: Nina Bergman: http://www.n-i-n-a.com/#news
Representation: Kailey Marsh - Station 3 - Kailey@stationthree.com - 323-848-4334
Peter Stormare http://www.facebook.com/pages/Peter-S...
Timothy V. Murphy https://www.facebook.com/Tadhgomurchu...
Matthias Hues https://www.facebook.com/mathias.hues...
Cinematography - Van Urfalian http://www.urfalian.com/URFALIAN.COM/...
Producer - Hugh Daly https://www.facebook.com/Hugh.Daly?fr...
Composer Sean Murray http://www.seanmurraymusic.com
Effects supervisor David Kenneth http://www.ieeffects.com/
Editorial Harry Frishberg http://www.harryproductions.com/
Sound design Dan Newman http://www.newmagicentertainment.com
DISCLAIMER: Wonder Woman is a non-profit film for private use only, and is not for sale or resale. It is strictly for the promotional use of the filmmaker. It is in NO way endorsed by Warner Brothers or DC Comics nor is it intended to undermine or compete with any existing or forthcoming material. Wonder Woman is created for fun and should not be sold, rented or used for anything of the sort. Station 3 and Jesse V. Johnson make no claim to any of the characters, locations, storyline, props, costume designs, logos, names or situations that are trademarked, copyrighted or otherwise protected by the federal, state, international or other intellectual property law. This film is produced solely for the personal enjoyment of the cast, crew and any other Wonder Woman fans. No copyright infringement is intended or implied.
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